
بالصور: قبائل أنجولا.. «ياقات» مصنوعة من روث البقر وزوجات يتم تبديلهن بماشية

الثلاثاء 24-06-2014 20:26 | كتب: غادة غالب |
قبائل أنجولا قبائل أنجولا تصوير : other

من الياقات المصنوعة من روث البقر، إلى تسريحات الشعر على شكل حيوان «الحبار»، والزوجات التي يمكن تبديلهن بماشية.. عرضت صحيفة «ديلي ميل» صورا نادرة لأبناء القبائل في أنجولا.

وأوضحت الصحيفة أن المصور إريك لافورجيو سافر إلى أنجولا، والتقى بعض الشعوب القبلية الرائعة التي تعيش هناك، فيما بينها قبيلة «مويلا» التي يرتدي أهلها ياقات سميكة مصنوعة من الطين وروث المواشي، كما يزين النساء شعرهن بالحبار وروث البقر والزبدة.

وقالت الصحيفة إنه توجد قبائل أخرى مثل «ميكوبال» يستبدل فيها النساء بالبقر، ويجمع الرجل بين أكثر من زوجة.

Spectacular: A Mwila woman wears the Vilanda necklace in the Chibia area of Angola. The necklaces, once on, are never removed

Elaborate: Mwila women are also famous for their ornate hairstyles, which are held in place using a mixture of ochre mud, cattle dung and butter

Members of the tribe are often adorned with beautiful headdresses constructed from beads and painted shells

Members of the tribe are often adorned with beautiful headdresses and jewellery constructed from beads and painted shells

Mucawana woman a Kapapo headdress made of waste materials, village of Soba, Angola

Mucawana girl with a western doll on her shoulder, village of Soba, Angola

Striking: Dimba girls wear beaded wigs for wedding celebrations which means they have had their first periods but are not ready for marriage

Heavy: Mumuilas women wear giant necklaces made of hundreds of smaller ones created using beads and ostrich eggs, which is covered with a mix of mud, cow dung, and herbs

Stockade: A child hides in one of the huge wicker baskets the tribe uses to store grain - the staple food for most people living in the region

Celebration on a wedding day in the village of Combelo

A child poses with an old radio worn as a a necklace

Misses Chioveni, a Mucawana girl showing her western doll, village of Soba, Angola

Like many other ethnic groups of the area, Mucawanas have the custom of knocking of teeth. Lower teeth are removed by hitting with a stone

A young girl wears the traditional Vikeka mud necklaces

Formidable: Mucubal boys and men usually wear a simple loincloth, which they then accessorise with the traditional huge Omotungo knives

Unique: Mucubal women wear a headdress called the Ompota, made from a wicker framework and filled with tied cow tails, decorated with buttons, shells, zippers and beads

Married life: A Mucubal man with his two wives. A married couple is not allowed to talk to each other in public, as long as the wife hasn't had children

Tradition: A Mugambue girl is in traditional dress (centre) surrounded by her friends who wear more typically Western clothes

Looking for love: A young boy sporting the Ondatu hairstyle which indicates that he is a single man and on the look out for a suitable wife

Moving forward: Modern life is slowly but surely changing Angola's tribes - in this unusual image, the woman wears a bra because she has been evangelised

Stunning: Despite Angola's reputation for strife, this photo of a young boy covered with sand at the Pediva hot springs shows just how beautiful it is

Beautiful: A Mucawana girl called Fernanda  from the village of Soba shows off her elaborate hairstye and wonderful beaded collars

Pre pubescent muhimba girls wear 2 plaits in front of their faces

A Himba woman with the traditional tribal hairstyle

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