تواجه الكثير من الفتيات مشكلة «البذور السوداء»، في وجهها، ولذلك قدمت خبيرة التجميل فرح دوكاي، وصفة منزلية بسيطة للقضاء على البذور السوداء في المنزل، حيث اعتمدت في الفيديو الذي نشرته عبر حسابها الخاص على موقع الصور «انستجرام»، على الحلبة، حيث قامت بغلي حبات الحلبة في الماء ومن ثم ضربها جيداً في الخلاط حتى تتشكل عجينة.
وعقب ذلك وضعت هذا الخليط على الأنف لمدة ربع ساعة حتى يجف، وقامت بشطف البشرة جيداً بالماء الفاتر.
⭐️1 INGREDIENT TO: Get REALLY SHINY HAIR + CURE DANDRUFF -SHRINK PORES + CURE BLACKHEADS⭐️ ALL YOU NEED: ✅Fenugreek seeds - I boil 1/2 cup in 2 cups water for 5 mins -leave the seeds in the water overnight - STOVE OFF of course -separate seeds + water - seeds go in a blender, water goes in a spray bottle -once blended - the seeds become like play doh and the paste is really easy to apply to your face (i always skip my forehead because its so small and i hate the feeling of anything on my forehead) -spray the fenugreek water onto your scalp and all over your hair -mask stays on your face for 15 minutes minimum - it completely got rid of my redness from my pimples and made my skin SO soft and instantly hydrated (tell you why/how later) keep the hair tonic on overnight and wash out in morning 🙌🏽WHY THIS ONE INGREDIENT IS A MUST HAVE!🙌🏽 -Fenugreek is the ULTIMATE herb! When you soak the seeds in water - they become a slimy mucus (that word is so yuck but the best way to describe the stickiness) -the “slime” INSTANTLY hydrates dry skin and gives your skin a PLUMP JUICY GLOW -Contains THIAMINE to make your skin and hair EXTREMELY HEALTHY -VITAMIN K reduces dark circles and any dark spots on face draws out toxins from the skin like annoying blackheads -VITAMIN C to give you dat glow BRIGHTENS COMPLEXION -Reduces inflammation (which is why my redness was gone) 👩🏾for hair that “SLIME” aka Lecithin coats the hair shaft and makes it NATURALLY ridiculously shiny (i have NO product in my hair. just the fenugreek juiciness coming thru) -fixes damaged hair and makes your hair healthy -high in protein and potassium so it prevents premature GREY hairs! -conditions your hair and scalp making it soft and hydrated (NO MORE DRY HAIR!) 👀FULL OF NUTRIENTS I COULD GO ON BUT INSTAGRAM HAS A TXT LIMIT AND YOU SHOULD JUST DO DIS!! 💰Cost: $4 for multi use 🗣Where to buy: amazon or grocery store spice isle ⏰How often: once a week or when needed 👨👩👧👦For all hair and skin types (men too) ❄️No need to refrigerate ❤️SHARE THIS WITH A FRIEND IN NEED! 👍🏾ALSOOOOO LIKE THIS VIDEO AND HELP A SIS OUT FAM! <3 ILY4EVER Disclaimer: Test patch first. Always.
Oct 16, 2016 at 7:34pm PDT