
كيم كارداشيان لزوجها: أشكرك لاهتمامك بمظهري ومساعدتي لأبدو جذابة

الأربعاء 30-09-2015 14:03 | كتب: ريهام جودة, محسن محمود, حسن أبوالعلا |
صورة أرشيفية صورة أرشيفية تصوير : آخرون

وجهت بطلة تليفزيون الواقع الأمريكية كيم كردشيان الشكر لزوجها المغني كانييه ويست، لاهتمامه بها وحرصه على ظهورها جذابة وأنيقة على حد وصفها، مشيرة إلى أنها منذ ارتباطها بزوجها وهو الذي يشرف على اختياراتها من الملابس، ولولاه لبدت غير جذابة خاصة وهي تمر بأشهر الحمل الأخيرة.

Fashionable force: The 34-year-old, who is pictured in one of Kanye West’s own designs, said her relationship with her husband 'changed everything' about her look and reception in the fashion world

Fashionable force: The 34-year-old said that her relationship with Kanye West 'changed everything' about her look and reception in the fashion world

Fashion flashback: Kim said that before she met Kanye, she thought she had great style - but she is now 'mortified' when she looks back at some of the things she wore

Fashion flashback: Kim said that before she met Kanye, she thought she had great style - but she is now 'mortified' when she looks back at some of the things she wore

Connections: Kim recalled how Kanye once gave her fashion editor Carine Roitfeld's book and said it was 'the fashion bible', promising that one day Carine would style her; last year, she did

Respect for talent: In a video of CNN's interview, Kim says she likes to start out by trying on the designer's first choice, before potentially moving on to other pieces

Respect for talent: In a video of CNN's interview, Kim says she likes to start out by trying on the designer's first choice, before potentially moving on to other pieces

Bump problems: During her first pregnancy, Kim tried to hide her bump - and admits now that her tactics didn't work

Styled by my man: Her style has morphed to focus on sleeker, more minimalist designs in solid, neutral hues

Styled by my man: Her style has morphed to focus on sleeker, more minimalist designs in solid, neutral hues

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