
جورج كلوني يحتفل بمرور 15 عامًا على فيلم ?O Brother, Where Art Thou

الأربعاء 30-09-2015 11:49 | كتب: ريهام جودة, حسن أبوالعلا, محسن محمود |
صورة أرشيفية صورة أرشيفية تصوير : آخرون

احتفل الممثل الأمريكي جورج كلوني بمرور 15 عاما على تقديمه فيلم ?O Brother، Where Art Thou، والتقى بأسرة الفيلم خلال حضوره مهرجان نيويورك السينمائي الثلاثاء، بصحبة زوجته أمل كلوني.

كان الفيلم قد رشح لجائزتي أوسكار، وأخرجه الأخوان جويل وإيثان كوين.

Goddes s in green: The Lebanese-born beauty flowed in a chic green dress

Standing tall: The lawyer teetered along in matching strappy stilettos

George the gentleman: Clooney escorted his leading lady as the pair tried to avoid the rain

Memories: The actor was there for the 15th anniversary screening of O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Winner: George's role in the film earned him a Golden Globe award in 2001

Men: George, Diego Turtorro, and John Turtorro, leaned in for another group shot

Cheerful: The scruffy-faced actor appeared to be in high spirits while schmoozing with co-stars

Happy team: (L-R) John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, Ethan Coen, and Joel Coen joined George

Oh brother: Cast members George Clooney, John Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson attended the Q&A for O Brother, Where Art Thou? 15th Anniversary Screening during 53rd New York Film Festival

Motley crew: Clooney and his co-stars were in hysterics as they took to the panel for their Q&A in New York City on Tuesday

O Brother, Where Art Thou? akes place in the deep south during the 1930s and follows three escaped convicts as they search for hidden treasure while a relentless lawman pursues them

Lovely couple: George Clooney, left, and Amal Clooney, right, attended the New York Film Festival on Tuesday

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