
بالصور.. الأمير جورج يبكي في حفل تعميد شقيقته: «الغيرة مشاعر ملكية أيضا»

الإثنين 06-07-2015 14:03 | كتب: ريهام جودة |
الظهور الأول لابنة الأمير تشارلز ودوقة كامبريدج كيت ميدلتون، لدى مغادرتهم المستشفى عقب الولادة، لندن، 3 مايو 2015. الظهور الأول لابنة الأمير تشارلز ودوقة كامبريدج كيت ميدلتون، لدى مغادرتهم المستشفى عقب الولادة، لندن، 3 مايو 2015. تصوير : رويترز

في أول ظهور علني لهما بصحبة طفليهما منذ ولادة ابنتهما الأميرة شارلوت، قام ابن ولي العهد البريطاني وددوق كمبريدج الأمير وليم وزوجته كيت ميدلتون بتعميد طفلتهما الأميرة شارلوت في كنيسة سانت ماري ماجدولين، بعد تجاوزها شهرين من عمرها.

وكعادته سرق ابنهما الأمير جورج الأضواء والاهتمام من والديه وحتى شقيقته، خاصة حين أخذ يتطلع إليها في عربتها، وفي لقطات أخرى وهو يتحدث إلى جدة والده، وفي لقطات أخرى بدت الغيرة وقد دبت في قلبه، ليثبت أنها شعور إنساني لاعلاقة له بالملكية، حيث بكى لتحاول والدته كيت تهدئته وحمله، ثم حمله والده لتتولى كيت حمل شقيقته لتعميدها.

This was the nation's first glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with both of their children as Prince George joined the royal couple for his younger sister's christening

Curious Prince George peaked inside his baby sister's pram to get a peek at the nine-week old as the family left the church after Princess Charlotte's Christening at Sandringham

وظهرت كيت وهي تجر بنفسها عربة طفلتها، دون مساعدة أي من خدمها، وإلى جوارها الأمير وليم يسير مبتسما، وممسكا بيد طفله الأمير جورج.

The little princess was christened in a short private service conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Right Rev Justin Welby

واقتصر الحضور على 21 مدعوا، من البلاط الملكي، على رأسهم ملكة بريطانيا إليزابيث الثانية، وزوجها الأمير فيليب، والأمير تشارلز والد وليم وزوجته كاميلا، وأسرة كيت، بينما اصطف العشرات على جانبي الشارع المؤدي للكنيسة لرؤية كيت ووليم وتهنئتهما.

Kate, dressed all in white, pushed Charlotte in a traditional-style black pram while George - who turns two on July 22 - walked alongside his parents. It is the first time they have been seen in public with both of their young children

When the family of four reached the church on the Sandringham Estate they were greeted by the church rector Jonathan Riviere, who shared a joke with the royal couple and their children

Prince George shares a tender moment with his great-grandmother the Queen, as William and his nanny watches on and Kate chats to Charles and Camilla

The Duke of Cambridge was soon smiling soon again and calming down the little prince who seemed overwhelmed by the crowds

Kate holds her baby daughter in her arms as she takes the little girl, dressed in the traditional royal christening gown, into church

Nine week old Princess Charlotte was seen crying and fidgeting as her mother tried to settle her as she was carried into the church

The little girl seemed almost oblivious to the fuss going on around her as she lay in the pram pushed by her mother

The couple waved at the crowds of hundreds of wellwishers, as they took their children to church, William holding George by the hand

IT was only the second time that Princess Charlotte, who was born in May, has been seen out in public since leaving the Lindo Wing after she was born

William looks to be assuring his young son, while Kate beamed as she pushed her daughter in Millson pram once used by the Queen to carry the Duke of York and the Earl of Wessex

It is only the second time Princess Charlotte has been seen in public, and the first time the family have been photographed together

The Queen, dressed in a pink floral dress with matching coat and hat, makes her way into the church for this afternoon's service

The wind was almost too much for the Duchess of Cornwall, who nearly suffered a wardrobe malfunction

Charlotte's aunt Pippa Middleton and grandmother Carole arrived at the church together, both of them wearing cream outfits and hats

Kate's father Michael Middleton with Camilla, his son James and wife Carole as they left the service

Pippa and Michael Middleton

George was dressed in an outfit of red shorts and a white embroidered shirt

His outfit was almost identical to the one worn by his father when he was taken as a young boy to meet brother Prince Harry for the first time

Charlotte could be heard crying as they approached the church door with Kate having to pick her up to settle her

Kate was dressed in an ivory Alexander McQueen outfit with Jane Taylor hat. She famously wore a dress created by Sarah Burton for the design house for her wedding to William in 2011

Prince George's little legs were too tired for him to walk after the ceremony and he was given a carry by his father the Duke of Cambridge, while Princess Charlotte was once again pushed in a pram by her mother the Duchess of Cambridge

Prince George rested his arm on his father's shoulder as he was carried from the church as his mother the Duchess of Cambridge glanced back to check on him

Prince William crouched down beside his son as he pointed up at Her Majesty, who shared a tender moment with both heirs to the throne

The little prince turns two later this month, and is third in line to the throne, after his grandfather Charles and father William

Cheeky George pulled this funny face at the waiting photographers and balanced on one leg while his parents chatted to the Queen, Prince Philip and Camilla

At one point, it all became a bit too much for George, who seemed teary

But after a pep talk by his father and this mother, he was soon back on track

The Duchess, who was pushing Princess Charlotte's pram put a hand on her husband's back as he tried to bargain with the toddler

Eventually the little prince was scooped up into his father's arms and carried back to Sandringham House, where the Queen was hosting a tea party for guests of the christening

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