
بالصور.. 100 راهب ينظفون تمثال «بوذا» في اليابان

الأحد 10-08-2014 17:36 | كتب: بسنت زين الدين |
تنظيف تمثال بوذا تنظيف تمثال بوذا تصوير : وكالات

نشرت صحيفة «وول ستريت جورنال» الأمريكية صورا توضح أجواء «التنظيف السنوي» لتمثال «بوذا» في معبد «تودايجي» في ولاية «نارا» باليابان، كجزء من التحضير لفترة الأعياد البوذية.

وتبين الصور كيفية مساعدة نحو 100 راهب بوذي في تنظيف الغبار الراكد على تمثال «بوذا» البالغ ارتفاعه 15 متر باستخدام حبال طويلة وكمامات طبية لحمايتهم، وذلك استعدادا للأعياد البوذية في 15 أغسطس المقبل، وهي الأعياد التي تكرم البوذيين في اليابان وتكرم أرواح الأجداد.

Buddhist monks arrive to clean the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part in brushing away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of Bon around August 15 when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks prepare to clean the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part in brushing away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of Bon around August 15 when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks clean dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha's hand at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part the brush away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of 'Bon,' around August 15, when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks clean the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part in brushing away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of Bon around August 15 when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks clean the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part in brushing away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of Bon around August 15 when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks clean the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part in brushing away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of Bon around August 15 when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks clean dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha's hand at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part the brush away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of 'Bon,' around August 15, when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

A Buddhist monk cleans the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part in brushing away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of Bon around August 15 when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks clean dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part the brush away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of 'Bon,' around August 15, when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

A Buddhist monk cleans the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha's hand at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part the brush away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of 'Bon,' around August 15, when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks clean dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part the brush away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of 'Bon,' around August 15, when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

Buddhist monks prepare to clean the dust off of the 15-meter-high Great Buddha at the Todaiji Temple on August 7, 2014 in Nara, Japan. About 100 Buddhist monks take part in brushing away dust as a part of the preparation for the Buddhist festive period of Bon around August 15 when Japanese Buddhists honor and welcome the spirits of ancestors.

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