
9 أفكار لـ«حقيبة» التنزه مع طفلك

الخميس 01-03-2018 12:50 | كتب: فاطمة محمد |
التنزة مع طفلك التنزة مع طفلك تصوير : اخبار

تحتاج الكثير من الأمهات أثناء خروجها من المنزل بصحبة طفلها الصغير إلى حمل حقيبة يد مناسبة ومريحة.

فمع العام الأول للطفل تصبح الأشياء التي تصطحبها الأم كثيرة ومتعددة من حفاظات، ملابس بديلة، اللبن، الأدوية الخاصة بالطفل، بجانب بعض من الألعاب المسلية لطفلك وغيرها من الأمور الآخري.

لذلك من الضروري أن تحرص الأم على اختيار حقيبة مناسبة لوقت الخروج تكفي كل هذه الأشياء .

إليكٍ بعض الأفكار للحقائب من تحتاج الكثير من الأمهات أثناء خروجها من المنزل بصحبة طفلها الصغير إلى حمل حقيبة يد مناسبة ومريحة .

</p><p>BUY NOW
</p><p>This purse-insert lets you turn the totes you already own into diaper bags. It has 11 pockets in varying sizes, including a bottle holder and a spot for your cell phone. Just note that while it keeps you organized, it does take up some packing space in your bag.

</p><p>BUY NOW
</p><p>It's normally worn over your shoulder, but with a quick change of the straps you can turn this bag&nbsp;into a backpack. It&nbsp;has easy-access storage on the outside in addition to five pockets on the inside and can be monogrammed&nbsp;too!

</p><p>BUY NOW
</p><p>Though many diaper bags are technically unisex, this one's specially made for dad. It looks more like a gym bag, but has handy features like easy-to-reach pockets, a comfortable strap, and built-in clips that&nbsp;attach to the stroller.

</p><p>BUY NOW
</p><p>The Baby Boom Pack Right is&nbsp;designed specifically for day care drop-off or traveling when organization is key. There are&nbsp;pouches for all the necessities&nbsp;like bottles, clothes, and pacifiers — and the brand claims it can hold a week's worth of supplies.

</p><p>BUY NOW
</p><p>This option looks like a tote, not a diaper bag, but the inside has built-in pockets to hold all your must-haves. It's made of vegan leather so it's not too pricey and can be monogrammed for an added cost.

</p><p>BUY NOW
</p><p>Diaper bags can get filthy, but the perk of this&nbsp;large duffel is that it&nbsp;can go in the&nbsp;washing machine for a good cleaning. The changing pad is fleece-lined to keep baby cozy during diaper changes&nbsp;and it comes with an insulated pouch for bottles or snacks.
</p><p>BUY NOW
</p><p>This bag has built-in clips that easily attach to handles and 10 different pockets to keep you organized. If you have two kids, it comes in a larger size that fits on a double stroller.

Sunveno Fashion Large Capacity Nursing Backpack/Bag

Stripes tote- could make a great modern diaper bag one day

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